Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter Slump or Hump?

As most of the civilized people I know, I really don't like the winter. I'm not a big fan of winter sports, could do without hot chocolate and do not own a sauna in which to keep my bum toasty throughout the season, so for the most part I spend a lot of time hibernating. Sounds good in theory but I'm not much of a homebody so the winter presents a yearly Catch-22. To get into the slump or simply, hump? While you can take the word "hump" literally, and by all means, please do, it can also refer to a series of highly intoxicated nights with friends or copious amounts of dancing in warm rooms. (All give their own versions and degrees of humping, without having all the calories.) This year I've chosen the latter of the two choices and I believe its served me well thus far. I haven't gotten that winter cold/flu, my skin is not as pale and sallow as it usually is and I have come to embrace the art of sliding down a mountain on two large fiberglass piles. But as much as this winter has brought out a side of me I never knew existed, I am still ready for spring and all the fun that usually has associated with it. And I'll be damned if I rely on Punxsutawney Phil or Staten Island Chuck to tell me exactly when that's going to happen. But, I guess some sunshine and warm weather would help the feelings along a little.

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