Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Virgin Post

I'm very thankful I live in a city like New York because there is never a dull moment or a dull person to make that moment special, ridiculous or even obnoxious. I have a great set of friends that are a good mix of single and coupled and a crazy family who is every bit Italian-Irish post-immigration New York. I am from Staten Island, the forgotten borough, Staten Italy or whatever misnomer you have come to embrace, that is my hometown and it has given me a good sense of humor.

What I spend the majority of my day doing, beside working ;), is talking to my friends, co-workers and family about relationships. Be it the one with a roommate, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a best friend or the guy in the pizzeria that always looks a little too long when you order your baked ziti slice. We all do it, its part of the fabric of human communication But, I ask, how much of it is honest or pointed in a way that actually makes you feel you said what you really wanted? That is why I started this blog, besides the fact that my friends were starting to get sick of me complaining and jabbering on each day. (Thanks for listening!)

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