Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Easiest Relationship

is with my barista. Well, she is not really my barista, she technically works for over 350 employees, but she knows me and what I want each morning. When was the last time you could say that about other people? I'm a very adamant tea drinker, even though I betray my heritage each time I ask for the over-priced Tazo tea, but I simply don't like the taste of coffee. I like the warm, soothing feeling of tea, that makes a semi-unhealthy person feel like Gandhi. But, back to the barista, she always smiles and gives a look at the massive stack of tea forming her decision of what she thinks I will choose. More or less she is always right, and if nothing else, she is pleasant and accomodating.

She is who I remember when I am told about the assholes my friends have met at the bar or even work with. If everyone treated you like the friendly barista, think of how joyous the world would be. Oversimplication, sure! But, think to the last date, hook-up or drunken night at a seedy Second Ave. bar, the person you were with most likely didn't know what you wanted or how to give it to you. Or maybe they did, and good for you then! But, did it last? Remember your barista.

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