Wednesday, January 7, 2009

To Give Back or Throw Away

In post-holiday spirit of riding oneself of bad memories, people or items of clothes left by nighttime visitor has surely plagued even the most discerning of my fellow ladies. I was presented with this challenge recently, and was actually stumped as to the etiquette of such a situation. On one hand, who needs a green t-shirt celebrating St. Paddy's Day 2003, surely received at the local college bar, but on the other, is it a mark of a good night or even a way to remember a fleeting moment? Or is it better to just chuck them in the garbage, give them to Goodwill or even more extreme, use them as kindling on the long, cold nights of winter? Either way is fine by me, but I get the sneaking suspicion that my opinion may be terribly one-sided/sexist. What if that that flannel shirt with the sweat marks or the tie that is frayed at the ends represents more to the owner than the inadvertent receiver? So, in the spirit of the Holidays (which flew by this year anyway), maybe we should tuck the skullcap and sweats away for a rainy day and hope if you do have to exchange, it doesn't happen in the same way they ended up on your floor in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. If you're not going to wear it out, to the gym or to bed, give it away like Anthony Kiedis and Flea
